投资解决方案和OCIO服务 for institutional investors

我们提供研究, financial tools and investment solutions to help you achieve your investment goals. Consider us your outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO). 作为团队的延伸, we address issues such as investment governance and due diligence. 我们还涉及风险缓解、可持续性、替代投资和成本管理. 我们灵活的服务,以满足您的要求,并确定最好的方式,以未来证明您的投资组合.


平衡投资者风险, 回报和声誉要求, 已经成为一个越来越复杂的挑战. Investors need to be in a position to make efficient decisions. They therefore need access to the right expertise and resources. 这就是为什么许多投资者从外部寻求战略投资组合管理建议的原因, 获得经理的研究并支持资产配置和日常运营.

投资者正在使用外包投资解决方案来应对一系列共同挑战. 其中包括成本压力, 运营效率低下, 资源约束, 监管改革, 采购经理, 获取私人市场机会, 集成环境, social and governance (环境、社会和治理) issues into portfolios, 影响力投资.

越来越多的投资者认识到与外部公正的金融服务提供商合作的好处. 然而,一些保留意见和误解仍然存在. 这些问题如下所述.


这些解决方案基本上是相同的,只是不同地区使用了不同的术语. 无论使用什么名称, 它们都旨在提供投资组合解决方案,帮助机构投资者更有效地实现其财务目标. 我们称之为投资解决方案. 我们可以帮助您确定最适合您的投资组合的工具和策略。. We are very flexible and will work with you in a way that best suits your needs.

我们的客户始终掌握着控制权. 我们根据您的需要调整服务, 所有的投资决定都是根据你的既定目标和风险偏好做出的. By assigning certain day-to-day portfolio management responsibilities to our team, you will benefit from the expertise of a large and experienced partner. 我们将帮助您管理客户投资组合中的风险,并发现新的市场机会. We will also reduce the burden of implementation, monitoring and reporting. 这会让你有时间专注于你职位中更重要的职责.

Every investor is different, with their own goals, objectives and challenges. Regardless of the size of your portfolio and firm, we can help by providing bespoke investment strategies. 这些将由符合您利益的专家实施、管理和监测.

你可以选择适合你的解决方案. 我们提供从定制投资策略设计和实施到管理人员监督的一切服务. 我们在这里为您提供支持,并可以灵活地满足您不断变化的需求.


Demands and challenges for portfolio managers are intensifying. Pressure is growing to explore new opportunities and pursue compelling returns. 我们已经确定了三个关键考虑因素,以帮助您定位您的投资组合获得成功.

经验告诉我们,精确和直观的投资组合治理和尽职调查是关键. They will help to give you the confidence that your investments are meeting your needs, and that your asset allocation has been tested under multiple scenarios.

Investors are incorporating 环境、社会和治理 considerations into portfolios. They are also turning their attention to diversity, 公平和包容(DEI)问题, 在管理人员和战略方面. 他们正寻求在做正确的事情和兑现投资承诺之间取得平衡. 这也被称为影响力投资. 我们与客户一起应对这一挑战,并找到最能满足他们需求的最佳平衡.

另类投资提供了一个防范股票波动的机会, 对冲通货膨胀, 获得更好的回报. 对冲基金可以在不牺牲回报的情况下,提供一种很好的分散股票投资的方式. 私人股本投资的目标是获得比公开交易股票高得多的回报率. 真正的资产, 比如基础设施和房地产, can provide similar 好处 alongside a measure of protection against inflation. 我们的全球规模和资源可以帮助您获得所有类型的另类投资, tailored to your needs and at competitive fee levels.

Three steps for optimizing your investment process

Your investment strategy and oversight processes should support your investment goals. There are three stages to consider as part of this review.
  1. 检查并调整您的治理框架
    保持你的投资组合在正轨上是至关重要的. If you need to improve your governance operating model, our investment solutions can provide the support you require, 无论是现在还是将来.
  2. Assess your portfolio against your future objectives
    Understanding how investments are performing takes vigilance. 投资者还必须寻找新的机会,以确保他们的投资组合经得起未来的考验. We can help you have confidence that your investment strategy reflects your risk, 回报和声誉要求.
  3. Test your ability to adapt and respond to market movements
    如果你面临市场波动,你需要快速有效地重新平衡你的投资组合. We can help you install optimized decision-making processes. 这些将确保你的投资组合是响应性的,并与你的结果要求保持一致.


简化搜索. 从投资行业的思想领袖那里获得适合您兴趣的战略研究, including 美世 and hundreds of third‑party publishers. Membership is complimentary, and it takes seconds to sign up.

美世 CIOs' views on investment 趋势 and challenges

解决方案 to help you achieve your investment goals

Many investors seek guidance and support with investment strategy design, 经理研究和战略性资产配置. 他们也会在投资项目的日常运作中寻求帮助. 我们称这些服务为投资解决方案. 投资解决方案也可以称为外包首席投资官(OCIO)。 , 授权解决方案, 或者信托管理解决方案.

我们的投资解决方案提供一系列工具,帮助您解决投资挑战. They provide the support of investment professionals, while still allowing you to maintain control over your investments. They will give you added confidence and can help reduce your workload.

  • 治理和尽职调查

    利用我们的专业知识来扩展您的治理能力并改进您的尽职调查流程. This will help you to identify optimum investment opportunities.
  • 风险管理

    Be better prepared with our risk-management framework. 这将帮助你应对当前最紧迫的风险和未来潜在的障碍.
  • 投资可持续

    如果你想从符合可持续发展目标的长期投资中获益, we aim to help you make choices that will help to deliver true societal gains, 此外还有良好的回报潜力.
  • 经理研究和采购

  • 实现服务

    我们将了解您的目标,然后作为您团队的延伸. We’ll help you improve your investment governance, management and implementation. 98858威尼斯70570以了解更多信息.
  • 另类投资

    投资私人资产或对冲基金可以分散投资组合的风险和回报, while aiming to increase its capacity to deal with market volatility. Leverage our expertise in the field to boost your access to new opportunities.


Our outcome-orientated solutions bring a holistic perspective. They will allow you to focus on the things that matter most to you. 作为您值得信赖的顾问,我们广泛而深入的经验可以帮助您建立对战略决策的信心, 旨在帮助你成功.



依靠我们的顾问来提供建议, 洞察力, implementation and operations your portfolio needs to help you invest with confidence. Explore what our range of investment solutions could mean for your portfolio today.


    We're here to help you achieve your investment goals
